
Probiotics and Prebiotics

CAN YOU TAKE PREBIOTICS AND PROBIOTICS TOGETHER? A COMPREHENSIVE OVERVIEW Probiotics are a vital component of your immune system, and prebiotics provides the fuel probiotics need to keep you healthy. But why do we need them, and should you take prebiotics and probiotics at the same time? WHAT ARE PROBIOTICS? Probiotics are the ‘good’ bacteria that live in your digestive system. They help your body break down and digest the nutrients in your food, and assist in regulating your immune system, and reducing the development and spread of harmful bacteria. Probiotic foods and supplements contain various types of these good bacteria. They are often used to maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria or restore probiotics after an illness or course of antibiotics. Different strains of bacteria have different health benefits, and bacteria must have scientifically proven health benefits to be classified as probiotics.1 many foods contain live bacteria associated with health benefits, such as saue

17 Best Anti-inflammatory Plants (You Pass Them Every Day)

  17 Best Anti-inflammatory Plants (You Pass Them Every Day) Herbs and some fruits have numerous analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes them reduce pain and facilitate movement. Some plants not only provide temporary relief, but are recommended for people with various joint problems (e.g. RA) because in many studies it has been proven that they reduce joint cartilage damage, reduce joint stiffness, etc. Below is a list of the 17 best herbs, plants and fruits for joints. We have described here their use, specific tips and other interesting facts that may be helpful to you. It is not recommended to use any of the plants listed here during breastfeeding, children or pregnant women PLANTS FOR EXTERNAL USE 1. Arnica A common ingredient in traditional ointments, as well as tinctures for joints and rheumatic pains, is a plant associated with the mountains - arnica. Arnica has strong anti-inflammatory properties. How to use arnica The whole plant is poisonous, so the tincture
 What Is Mulungu? Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects Mulungu (Erythruna mulungu) is an ornamental tree native to Brazil. It’s sometimes called the coral tree due to its reddish flowers. Its seeds, bark, and aerial parts have been used for centuries in Brazilian traditional medicine . Historically, mulungu was used for various purposes, such as to relieve pain, aid sleep, lower blood pressure, and treat conditions like depression, anxiety, and epileptic seizures . This article explores mulungu’s benefits, uses, and potential side effects. Potential benefits of mulungu Most of mulungu’s potential health properties can be attributed to its key compounds (+)-erythravine and (+)-11α-hydroxyerythravine, which have been linked to pain relief and reduced anxiety and epileptic seizures . May reduce feelings of anxiety Mulungu has long been used in traditional medicine to treat anxiety. Animal studies have found that mulungu’s compounds (+)-erythravine and (+)-11α-hydroxyerythravine may have stron

Spirulina and chlorella

  Spirulina and chlorella are among the most popular freshwater microalgae because they are extremely rich in chlorophyll, which is the green pigment vital for photosynthesis that is found in all plants. Spirulina is blue-green algae because of the pigments in the cell wall which are chlorophyll and  phycocyanin . Chlorella is a lighter green, round shaped algae that is about 2 to 10 micrometers in diameter. Spirulina and chlorella both have a very “green and fishy” taste and are added to juices or smoothies for an extra nutritional boost. NUTRITIONAL BENEFITS OF SPIRULINA AND CHLORELLA Both algae are extremely high in complete protein which is more easily digested than animal protein. Spirulina and chlorella are rich in vitamins C, E and all B vitamins, including B12 which is rarely found in plants. Both algae contain high contents of macro minerals including, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. They also provide an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids including GLA, mucopolys

Linden Tree Blossom - how to use it?

Linden (or Limeflower, Tilia sp.) is a common tree planted around many cities. It's the one that makes cars sticky with the dripping nectar from their flowers, and when in full bloom the rich honey scent will attract every bee from miles around to drunkenly sip from its cups. Linden tree was once one of the most common native trees in the ancient forests of Britain and the bark makes a useful rope once used in shipmaking. It is a great tree to know for bushcraft for its twine and edible leaves(best in early spring when tender and succulent). Because it is a tree, it is almost impossible to over-harvest the blossoms and so makes a nice, abundant, sustainable edible & medicinal for you to stock up on for the rest of the year. Uses Linden is a relaxer. It also very tasty. Strong infusions of the blossom make a lovely drink and is used by herbalists for those suffering from stress, particularly if associated with insomnia or heart palpitations, and Maude Grieve in her 193

Herbs that can help your liver

Many proponents of herbal medicine suggest using herbs to enhance the health of your liver, an organ responsible for clearing toxins from your body. Indeed, some research shows that certain herbs may help fight liver disorders like cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) or infections like hepatitis B and hepatitis C (viruses known to cause inflammation in the liver).  Here's a look at several herbs that show promise as a natural means of boosting liver health. Milk Thistle  Analyzing five clinical trials (with a total of 602 cirrhosis patients), researchers determined that treatment with milk thistle could lead to a significant reduction in liver-related mortality. In a research review published in 2005, scientists looked at several clinical trials testing the use of milk thistle in the treatment of hepatitis C and hepatitis B.3 Although the review's authors found no evidence that milk thistle can help clear any type of hepatitis virus from the body, some research sug


FEELING DEPRESSED, ANXIOUS OR STRESSED? TRY MOOD-BOOSTING AROMATHERAPY WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN. 1 in 4 have mental health issues In 2002, researchers reported in the Japanese Journal of Pharmacology that the simple act of inhaling Patchouli oil reduced anxiety by 40%1. Considering that even before the pandemic 1 in 4 people in the UK experienced some type of mental health problem in 20174, aromatherapy begs to be at the forefront of our wellbeing arsenal. With the UK standing below average for mental wellbeing, ranking 20th of 27 countries in the EU in 20123, and the number of antidepressants dispensed in England more than doubling in the last decade4, it would be wise to investigate alternative strategies. We need healthy, non-pharmaceutical options to help us cope with daily stress, anxiety, depression and problems sleeping. Incorporating aromatherapy into basic daily rituals, like moisturizing  or wearing deodorant , is so easy and may also be an effective alternative.